Journal of Aviation and Space Studies (Havacılık ve Uzay Çalışmaları Dergisi), is an international, open access, electronic, peer-reviewed, nonprofit, interdisciplinary journal that embraces the highest standards in terms of publication ethics, published by University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, the university of Turkish Aeronautical Association that has an important role and activity in the national and international platforms about Aviation. The main aim of the journal is to increase the exchange of knowledge and to have a contribution in the development of the scientific background in the field of aviation and aerospace by publishing the studies in the regarding interdisciplinary research fields.
In this manner, the aviation and/or aerospace oriented studies in engineering sciences, natural sciences and social sciences are in the scope of the journal. The research areas in the scope of the journal are including but not limited to:
The journal accepts the original research articles and review articles written in Turkish or English. For the guide for authors please see the page Writing Rules.
Click here for the Writing Template (for manuscripts written in Turkish) of the Journal.
Click here for the Writing Template (for manuscripts written in English) of the Journal.
Click here for the Cover Letter for submission of a manuscript to the Journal.
Please check the Writing Template for journal writing rules. We would like to remind you that, in accordance with our journal's Publication Ethics Principles, manuscripts with a similarity rate higher than 20%, including references, in the plagiarism prevention software will be returned to the authors.
Journal of Aviation and Space Studies, which attaches great importance to publication ethics and transparency, aims to increase the sharing of information in these fields and contribute to the development of scientific infrastructure by bringing interdisciplinary studies in the field of aviation and aerospace to the relevant parties. The studies included in the articles to be published in the journal must be carried out using scientific methods and in compliance with ethical principles. In this context, whether the works submitted to the Journal comply with these criteria will be examined during the evaluation process, and all stakeholders in the publication process (publisher, editors, referees, authors) are expected to carry out ethical responsibilities in accordance with the academic and ethical standards determined herein, by adhering to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Academic Publishing determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and similar organizations, and the relevant articles of the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of the Council of Higher Education in Türkiye. If any ethical rule violation is detected in a paper submitted to the journal, the paper will be rejected immediately and this situation will be reported to the institutions where the authors work.
The editor and section editors of the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies should pay attention to the ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.
All papers submitted to the Journal should be treated fairly and without discrimination in any context (ethnic or geographical origins of the authors, gender, religious or political beliefs, etc.); they should carry out the preliminary evaluation and assessment processes without delay and meticulously, considering the Aim and Scope of the Journal, and in compliance with the "Principles of Publication Ethics" given above. They should base their decisions on referee evaluations.
The policies determined by the Journal and/or publisher must be implemented sensitively.
When selecting a reviewer during the evaluation process of the papers submitted to the Journal, independent peer review should be ensured. In this context, referees should be selected from institutions different from the authors, from among people who do not have any conflict of interest with the authors, and by taking into account the areas of expertise of the individuals.
In order to prevent possible conflicts of interest, the necessary precautions should be taken by taking into account the statements of the authors. If a conflict of interest arises, the evaluation process of the paper should be suspended until the uncertainty in question is resolved; during this process, the authors should be requested to provide documents that must be reported, such as ethics committee permission, etc. regarding the work.
In the event of a complaint that ethical rules have been violated regarding an article published in the journal, the authors should be given the right to respond, adhering to the Journal's policies and procedures; at the end of the process in question, the necessary sanctions should not be avoided regardless of who the authors are.
The evaluation process of the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies is carried out with the principle of double-blind peer review. Reviewers and authors cannot communicate with each other directly; evaluations and comments about the paper are sent by the editor or section editor via DergiPark.
Authors cannot have their papers in the application, evaluation and publication process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be initiated following the completion of the previous application. A paper published in another journal or submitted to a journal for publication cannot be submitted to the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies.
The papers submitted by the authors must be original; if the authors benefit from or use other studies, they must refer to and/or quote the studies completely and accurately.
Authors may be asked for raw data regarding their papers within the scope of the evaluation processes, in such a case, authors should be ready to provide the expected data and information.
People who are not included in the paper study should not be included as authors in the work. The decision regarding the order of the authors belongs to the authors and the authors should be added to the system in order during the submission of the paper to the Journal.
If there is a conflict of interest regarding the paper submitted to the Journal, the person(s)/institution(s) with whom the conflict of interest exists must be declared during the submission of the paper to the Journal. If there is no conflict of interest, the statement “The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.” should be included in the “Conflicts of Interest” section at the end of the article template.
If the studies conducted within the scope of a paper submitted to the Journal require ethics committee approval (see), the relevant approval must be obtained. Similarly, authors must have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or that they have carried out the permission procedures for the experimental subjects. In the cases mentioned above and/or similar, these situations(s) must be detailed in the “Ethical Statement and General Statements” section at the end of the Journal’s article template and the approval document(s) must be uploaded to the DergiPark system during the submission of the paper. On the other hand, ethics committee approval is not required for review articles submitted to the journal (see). For articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, the phrase “Not applicable.” must be included in the “Ethical Statement and General Statements” section at the end of the article template.
The authors should inform the Journal editor or publisher if the they notice a mistake regarding their paper published in the Journal, in early appearance or evaluation stage; There is also an obligation to cooperate with the editor in corrections or retractions.
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content in the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies that is contrary to the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please notify the Journal editor (see) via e-mail at The reported situations will be reviewed by the Journal Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the right to inform the relevant ethics committees.
It is known that plagiarism is one of the most common and important ethical problems within the framework of scientific works. The use of information or data from other sources in scientific works without proper attribution is considered plagiarism and is considered an unacceptable situation. At this point, the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies takes various precautions to prevent plagiarism. One of these is scanning the papers submitted to the Journal via the iThenticate plagiarism prevention software. It should be known that, as a result of this screening, papers with a similarity index of more than 20 percent, including the bibliography, may be returned to the authors. This return process can occur even after the paper has been accepted. It is of great importance for authors to pay attention to this issue during the submission of their paper to the Journal in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the evaluation and publication processes.
The Journal of Aviation and Space Studies monitors and evaluates potential conflicts of interest through editors and/or field editors. In the event of a conflict of interest, the Journal suspends the evaluation process of the paper until the uncertainty in question is resolved; during this process, Journal obtains documents from the authors that must be reported, such as ethics committee approval, etc. regarding the work.
Authors have the copyright on their own papers and the right to first publish the work belongs to the Journal. On the other hand, other users/readers can directly use and share the information in the article, provided that they give proper attribution, within the framework of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License adopted by the Journal.
While the corresponding author submits the paper to the Journal system, he/she must also submit the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Form signed by all authors to the system.
The Journal, which is published electronically and has no profit purpose, is an open access journal and no fee is charged to authors or readers. The entire content of the Journal can be accessed via DergiPark without any restrictions or delays from the date of publication.
Articles accepted for publication in the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies are immediately included in the “Accepted Articles” section on the Journal’s website. In the following process, the relevant teams of the Journal ensure that the article is prepared for publication, and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number is obtained for the article. Articles that complete this process are published in the first issue to be published by the Journal.
The papers to be submitted to the Journal must be prepared by using the Journal's writing template (see) and complying with the Journal writing rules. Papers can only be submitted to the Journal via DergiPark.
Interaction between stakeholders must only be done via DergiPark, and communication channels other than this (e-mail, telephone, etc.) should not be used.
No responsibility is assumed by the Journal/Publisher from any use of any methods, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein. Authors are responsible for the opinions stated in the papers in the Journal. The papers published in the Journal meet the research and publication ethics standards.
This electronic and nonprofit journal is an open access journal, and no fee is requested from the authors or readers.